Quotes from The Jeffersons
Jimmy: There's nothing scarier to the man than a brother with a book.
Thurgood: All men have been created equal, except for those who are more equal because we are related to Thomas Albert Jefferson.
Mrs. Avery: Let me get this straight. You say you related to the author of the declaration of independence?
Thurgood: That is correct.
Mrs. Avery: Well, when in the course of human events are you gonna fix my toilet?
Thurgood: You got a speech for me?
Darnell: Comin' up chappquiddick.
Thurgood: Most folks think we're gonna put on a half-ass campaign. I say not good enough. I want a three-quarter ass effort from each and every one of you, and Thurgood Jefferson is gonna ride that extra one-quarter ass all the way to victory.
Walter: Yeah, ride that ass!
Thurgood: What about the working man's vote?
Walter: Uh, he was at work, we'll get him tonight.
Muriel: Okay, everyone, smile for the camera. Government...
Everyone: Cheese!
Jimmy: Three cheers for Thurgood!
Everyone: Hip hop, hooray!
Thurgood: The library is a lot like Santa Claus, it doesn't exist. Now, liquor stores, on the other hand, are like God. They're everywhere.
Jimmy: A fake, just like the CIA faked JFK, RFK and MLK. They're all living on a secret island with Notorious BIG.
Walter: There's fifty ways to kill a brother.
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