Quotes from The HJs

Jimmy: "Listening to these tapes makes me with we hadn't trashed the place."
Thurgood: "Yeah, that was one ill-thought-out riot."

Walter: "Welcome to 'Stolen Car Talk.' Today's topic: how to get rid of that stolen car smell."

Smokey: "I never drink coffee, it's habit-forming."

Smokey: "How did all these people get in my dumpster?"

Muriel: "Dear, Mr. Stubbs. This is to notify you that all charges against you have been formally dropped."
Thurgood: "See, I can't get even get arrested in this town."

Thurgood: "You hear that, Smokey? You're fired. Fired!"
Smokey: "I had a job?"

Mrs. Avery: "Come on, you filthy freeloaders, give us some money so we can broadcast love to your sorry asses."

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